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How is Gassen Company Making an Impact in Minnesota's Communities?

This blog post is updated regularly to reflect recent community outreach events.

At Gassen Company, we not only regularly speak of our four core values but are dedicated to regularly acting on them whether we are inside or outside the office walls.

Four Core Values

  1. Do the Right Thing

  2. Solution Focused

  3. Committed

  4. We Care

Gassen Company regularly volunteers and participates in community outreach work in the Twin Cities area. With our roots starting and staying in the Twin Cities Metro Area, we are committed to giving back to our neighboring communities. Not only do community events allow us to give back directly to those around us but they enable us to form stronger bonds within our company further reaching new heights in serving your HOA community.  

Recent Impact on Minnesota Communities

Food Shelf Donations Since 2019

Tan colored circle badge that reads, Gassen and It's communities have donated $58,000 since 2019

One of Gassen Company's main outreach initiatives is directly correlated with each community we partner with for HOA management services. Since 2019, when a new client partners with Gassen Company, a $100 donation is given in the HOA's name to a food shelf in their area. Since 2019, we have donated around $13,000 to local food shelves through our HOA partnerships.

In addition to, the community partnership donations, Gassen Company regularly donates to food shelves across the Twin Cities. Including our community partner donations, we have donated nearly $58,000 to various food shelves! Whether through new community partnerships or our own initiatives, we are thankful for the ability to give back directly to our neighbors and make an impact on Minnesota communities!

Feed My Starving Children 2024

Our most recent in person initiative was at Feed My Starving Children in Chanhassen. A group of Gassen employees spent the afternoon packing meals for those in need in Uganda. With around 30 employee volunteers, the Gassen group was able to pack 58 boxes or 33,408 meals! This equates to 91 kids getting fed a daily meal for a year due to the amazing team effort by the volunteers.

Click on the arrow on the right-hand side to view photos from our afternoon volunteering.

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